Nominations for the 2019 Cosmique Movie Awards are now open.
You have until midnight PDT on Friday, March 13, 2020 to cast your nominations for the best films and cinematic performances of 2019, as well as your nominations for inductees into the Cosmique Movies Halls of Fame. See below for links to the online ballots.
The award categories are almost identical to last year, with one slight exception: we won’t be including the Stan Lee Cameo award, which was created as a special honor to the King of Cameos last year because of his passing. (That said, Stan Lee did have at least one cameo in a 2019 film and is eligible for nomination in the Best Male Cameo category.) Like last year, we won’t be including the negative “Worst” awards in order to make room for more specialty awards.
Awards are divided into five sections (Halls of Fame, Best Overall, Best Performances, Best by Genre, and Specialty One-Offs). Each section has a separate nomination ballot.
For each award, you may nominate up to six different nominees. Duplicated nominations for the same film or performance for the same award will only count once. Note, however, that different actors or actresses from the same film can be nominated for the same award, and an actor or actress may be nominated for performances in different films for the same award. (Examples: at the 2001 Awards, Helen Mirren and Maggie Smith were both nominated for (and won!) Best Supporting Actress for Gosford Park, while Nicole Kidman received dual Best Actress nominations for Moulin Rouge and The Others.)
If you submit your ballot and wish to make any changes, you may either:
- Resubmit that ballot using the same email address. Only your most recent submission will be tallied; or
- Email us at the email address provided on the ballot, describe the change you’d like, and we can manually change the tally.
For each award category, you have the option of using a Power Vote. The idea is that we want passion to count, but not count too much. If you cast a Power Vote for one of your six nominees for an award, it gives that nomination extra weight for that award.
If you feel like you haven’t seen enough movies to participate…don’t worry! First of all, you may be surprised by how many you’ve actually seen. Check out our list of eligible films and nomination ideas under Nomination Resources to jog your memory. Even if the films you saw don’t seem “Oscar worthy” to you, vote for them if you think they are “Cosmo worthy.” There are plenty of niche categories they might also be appropriate for, like Guilty Pleasure, Villain, or some of the genre awards. And remember, you don’t have to fill out all six slots for each award if you can only think of a few you feel are worthy. Fill out as many slots as you wish for each award, and skip entire awards if you can’t think of any suitable nominees that you think are worthy. Also remember: the Halls of Fame awards cover every actor and actress, as well as every film not eligible for a current or future annual award (i.e., films from 2018 and before), so you should be able to come up for some candidates just for those categories alone, even if you haven’t seen a single 2019 film. (And again, you may be surprised how many 2019 films you actually did see — check our reminders list to be sure.)
Nomination Resources
As you consider who to vote for, the following optional resources may help your deliberations. (Note: these resources will be removed once balloting ends on March 13, 2020, so these links won’t work after that.)
- Eligible 2019 Films (contact us if you think we’ve overlooked a potential honoree)
- Nomination Ideas in PDF (includes the scope of each award and potential honorees getting “buzz” this year)
- Nomination Ideas in MS Word (in case you’d like to add your own notes or highlight your favorites)
Nomination Ballots
Follow these links to cast your nominations for the 2019 Cosmique Movie Awards. The deadline is Friday, March 13, 2020 at midnight PDT. Ballot forms will be disabled after the deadline; if the forms still work after that, it’s because we’ve extended the deadline.
- Lifetime Achievement Halls of Fame Inductees for 2019
- Best Films Overall of 2019
- Best Cinematic Performances of 2019
- Best Films by Genre of 2019
- Specialty One-Off Awards of 2019
Other Fun Polls
From time to time, we create polls on our website that don’t relate to the actual Cosmique Movie Awards. Here are our two most recent ones:
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